04 Jun iProcureSecurity Kickoff meeting in Vienna
From 27th to 28 May, the consortium of the iProcureSecurity project held its first face-to-face meeting in Vienna. The coordinator SYNYO welcomed in Vienna all partner organisations to ensure seamless collaboration while fostering the response capacities and increasing cooperation of the European emergency medical services.
The first day started with an introduction of the project partners, staff members and an overview of the project structure. This was followed by presentations of the leader of each working package that showed their plan to analyse the European medical emergency systems, elaborate technical requirements for R&I initiatives and disseminate project outcomes.
On the second day, the meeting was dedicated to three working sessions in which all partners engaged in brainstorming in order to ensure strategic planning for all tasks and resources.
The kick-off meeting facilitated the teamwork among the consortium and will be followed by conference calls every two weeks to ensure meeting the objectives set out initially and agreed upon with the European Commission.
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